Legacy Society
“I have found that among its other
benefits, giving liberates the soul
of the giver.”
Maya Angelou
A planned gift to the Harlem Wellness Center leaves a lasting legacy for future generations. We have named our legacy society to honor our founding donors.
Today, we invite you to join the HWC Legacy Society by remembering us in your estate planning. You will be honored by receiving
a commemorative gift and an invitation to several events—a Fall lecture, a cocktail reception, and a special holiday gathering.
Membership in the Legacy Society is open to anyone who has remembered HWC in their estate. For more information, contact us at info@harlemwellness.org.
*Please make your checks out to:
Harlem Wellness Center-FCNY
Social Justice Fund
Around the world, COVID laid bare racial inequities and made closing the race divide an imperative for communities large and small. That’s why we’re creating a Social Justice Fund at Harlem Wellness Center, to enable us to fund expanded racial healing and wellness programs, to include more frequent gatherings across the city to change the way we talk about race, and to provide access to all for healthier living.
Please join us in an effort to raise $50,000 in contributions over the next 12 months to enable HWC to expand the work of its Racial Healing Hub and its ongoing impact on women’s health, elder health, health justice, environmental justice, and racial healing.
Now is the time to expand your legacy to ensure we create the just world we all wish to see—now, and for future generations.
For more information, contact us at info@harlemwellness.org

Planned Giving: Explore Your Other Giving Options

Make a Bequest
A bequest to HWC through your will or living trust is the most common planned giving vehicle. They are easy to arrange, will not affect your
current lifestyle, and may be changed depending on your life circumstances.

Retirement Plan Assets
You may also name Harlem Wellness Center as a
beneficiary of your IRA or other qualified retirement benefits. To make a charitable gift
from your retirement plan, simply enter Harlem Wellness Center’s name and Tax ID EIN: 13-2612524. on the Change of Beneficiary form, available from your plan

HWC Giving Circle
Make a gift to HWC of $1,500 as an annual donation by December 31, 2022, earmarked to support general operational expenses or a specific program, and you’ll become a member of our Harlem Giving Circle. Members will be honored in the Spring of 2023 at a formal gathering. For more information, contact us at donate@harlemwellness.org.

Insurance Policies
You can make a gift of a life insurance policy — one you already own or are about to purchase — by naming Harlem Wellness Center as a beneficiary. The tax benefit for leaving your life insurance to HWC would be equal to the policy’s cash value, plus any premiums paid on the policy after the gift is made. To take advantage of the income tax benefit, you would need to name Harlem Wellness Center as both the owner and the beneficiary.